Sunday, June 21, 2009

iPhone Landscape Stand, MacGyver Style

Bert was following these instructions to make an iPhone stand out of business cards, and was less than satisfied with the results. After staring at my own phone charging on the desk, I figured that the dock cable connection would be a useful mounting point for any stand. Bert dared me to make a stand with only office supplies, and a few minutes later I had a fully functional stand using nothing but a medium binder clip.

iPhone stand

Just clip a medium binder clip over the plug, tip the iPhone back and bend the rear hinge of the clip until it balances naturally. The dock cable is an integral part of the balancing system; make sure the cable is lying flat to help weigh the iPhone down or it will topple over helplessly. To remove the iPhone, simply unclip the binder clip and unplug the phone.

clip close up

I happen to use one of the old "fat" charging cables that came with my now-deceased 2nd generation iPod. The new ultracompact dock connector cables also work, but I find the binder clip to be a little wobbly because it has less of a purchase on the smaller plug. However, you can easily make it more sturdy by clipping a small binder clip onto the cable first, giving the medium binder clip more surface to sink its teeth into. This configuration has the advantage of allowing quick release; the old dock connectors have locking tabs on either end that you need to squeeze to disconnect, so you need to remove the binder clip before unplugging. The newer dock connector cables can be yanked right out.

ultracompact version


Bertrand said...

Has anyone, in the history of office workers, ever used a binder clip for its intended purpose? Hint: Sticking them on someone's jacket when they're not looking is not its intended purpose.

Unknown said...

Binder clips are essentially larger, more deadly paper clips. Anything large enough to require a binder clip as opposed to a paper clip also requires enough force to bend the binder clip that it can take a chunk out of your finger at the slightest slip.

So unless the intended purpose of a binder clip is to leave your work force maimed and on permanent disability, the answer is "no."

Anonymous said...

You might be tweaking your innards by establishing a stress point not anticipated in the design of your brain stealer.

XaMLoK said...

Great idea. I had a hacked together stand made out of a binder clip and paper clip but it never worked all too well.

Just gave this a try and works great.