All right, I realize TPing someone is pretty juvenile. I know, all right? But it was Friday, we were tired, it was the last day Dane was going to be out, there's all this toilet paper in the bathroom just sitting there for crying out loud and we were starting to run out of ideas. I'm sorry, all right? Shame on me.
Dane will be back in Monday and he will most likely murder all of us at that time.
We were on the home stretch now. On Thursday we lovingly decorated Dane's desk with 210 miniature portraits of his personal hero (according to us, anyway): David Hasselhoff.
Ironically, David Hasselhoff first came up in conversation because CNN had run a story about his wife accusing him of domestic violence that morning. Wait ... "ironic" isn't the word I'm looking for here. What's that other word ... oh, right: "stupid." I always get those two confused.
On Day Four we went nuclear. There was no turning back now.
It all started when I walked into the print room and someone complained about how full the paper shredder was.
"Oh really ..." I mused aloud.
Originally I just thought we'd fill Dane's drawers and close them, leaving it as a hidden surprise. But as we came to realize the sheer volume of shreddings we were working with, we ... well, we lost it. We weren't human beings any more. We were like animals. I'm not proud of the things I've done.
I hate colored Post-It notes. Even if I have to keep a note around, I don't want it glaring at me all day like a neon Vegas sign.
Apparently I'm not alone in this sentiment, because I found plenty of people willing to get rid of their colored stickies ... once I told them what we were going to do with them.
Ahh, the noble brown bear; proud symbol of California.
On Thursday Dane left for vacation; Maui for a week with his wife. On Friday Mario got a package at the office, and after unpacking it we were left with a pile of bubble wrap. What could be done with all this bubble wrap? It seemed a shame to let it go to waste.